- Read: Mapping-Traits-in-Dogs-Student at least the first comprehension questions of the introduction
- Tomorrow: Transcription and Translation Quiz
- Finish PhET Lac Operon tutorial
- Mutation Study Guide (Last Videos, watch the first for tomorrow)
- Transcription Translation Quiz Thursday (tomorrow)
- Check your Transcription Translation Worksheet against the Key (Fixed)
- How are transcription and translation controlled? PhET Lac Operon and Model
we will do the web portion in class today and the model tomorrow
- Homework: Read 377-378 in your book, take notes and be prepared for a short, open note, reading quiz
- Welcome Back, I hope you had a restful break.
- Jump back into transcription and translation: Transcription and Translation Web Tutorial
- If you have not done so, watch “The Evolution of Lactose Tolerance” video from yesterday
- Homework: Transcription Translation Worksheet 2
- Review for quest tomorrow, see review assignment posted yesterday
- K’NEX lab due tomorrow
- Kahoot Review
- Discuss translation flip and transcription/translation worksheet
- Book review, Not required but these will help you for the test: pp. 356+357 #1-6, 9-24
- K’NEX due after the quest Thurs.
- KNEX 18-19
- Turn in DNA Extraction Inquiry lab
- Today’s Activity: KNEX Activity
- For tomorrow: Finish Flipped Translation Presentation, and Transcription Translation WORKSHEET
- Thursday: DNA Structure, Discovery and Replication Quest
- Transcription Translation Key, use this to HELP, obviously it will not be graded for any more than completion if I am posting a key. You will see it on a test/quiz.
- Due Monday: DNA Extraction Rubric
- Tuesday: Flipped Translation Presentation, Transcription Translation WORKSHEET
- Tomorrow will be the DNA extraction inquiry lab, be prepared
- Next Thursday, 3/31, DNA discovery, replication and structure quest